Condos - Strata
Most of us define our homes and the structures holding them as our biggest personal investment and most important physical asset.
Participation in Strata living usually includes a life style choice as to time priorities including the ability to have maintenance of yard and structures attended by others. Many Strata life participants are also either near the beginning or completion of assembling their financial portfolio which makes cost definition and budgeting a critical component of managing their real estate asset.
Find the solution to increasing value in your biggest personal asset with Canadian Strata Fund Track Solutions!
State of the art inspection, investigation and assessment of the remaining life of your building(s) and their components, an opportunity to provide your input and ask questions relating to performance of your building, input from service providers to your complex, gathering of historical data, documents and plans for your Strata, current budgets and projections for both maintenance and renewal or replacement, with all posted data and reports available 24/7 any place you have internet access.
Contact us for a no-cost demonstration and proposal.